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Community of Practice: Advanced Trauma Informed Practice
Kim Barthel, BMR, OTR.jpeg

Kim Barthel, Live Zoom Webinar

May 20, 2020

CEU: 1 Contact Hour

Course Level 
Intermediate to Advanced Level
OT, PT, SLP and interested others
Course Description

The Community of Practice series allows participants an opportunity to follow-up with the speakers after taking a continuing education course to make the information more relevant to their practice.  Following a full day or two-day course, the Community of Practice series intent is to review key concepts and allow participants to ask questions to improve their practice.  Community of Practice series are 1.5 hours, live-interactive Zoom webinars.


Join Kim Barthel for the 1.5 hours Community of Practice event via a live-interactive Zoom webinar to learn how to apply the information gained in course, Advanced Trauma Informed Practice, to the telehealth setting, review key concepts and answer your questions to make the information meaningful and relevant to your practice.  Content to be reviewed will the based-on participant questions emailed ahead of time to event organizers and based on participant questions during the conversation.


Course Objectives

The participant will be able to:

  1. Verbalize how the key concepts learned in the course, Advanced Trauma Informed Practice, can be applied the participant’s clientele.

  2. Identify how strategies learned in the course, Advanced Trauma Informed Practice, can be applied the participant’s clientele.





12:00 – 12:20 pm: Review of key concepts (topics of content based on therapist questions)


12:20 – 1:30 pm: Question and Answer

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