Course A: Polyvagal Theory and Sensory Processing: Bridging Theory and Practice
Kelly Beins, OTR/L
February 23, 2023, 8:00 am – 3:30 pm CST
Cost: $215
Location: Live webinar on Zoom, login information will be emailed within one week of the event to paid participants
CEUs: 6 Contact Hours (.6 AOTA CEUs)
Recording available approximately 1 week after the live event for 30 days of viewing
Course Description
This workshop provides clinicians with a grounding in Polyvagal Theory and revisits key concepts of OT-SI intervention in order to explore key points of alignment and distinction between these two frameworks. Through content, case study, and small group discussion(s) participants will explore and practice applying polyvagal theory to the therapeutic process for existing clients. Special topics to be explored include re-thinking adaptive responses, task analysis, modulation challenges, addressing big behaviors and providing parent education and home programs in an EASIER way. All participants are asked to arrive with an existing case they can use throughout the course. The goal of this workshop is to help therapists use Polyvagal Theory to refine their clinical reasoning and clinical skills for use with children who have sensory processing challenges.
Course B: Introduction to Clinical Reasoning for Effective Eating and Mealtime Participation Using The FOCUS Program
Lori Goodrich, OTR/L, C/NDT
February 23, 2023, 8:00 am – 3:30 pm CST
Cost: $215
Location: Live webinar on Zoom, login information will be emailed within one week of the event to paid participants
CEUs: 6 Contact Hours (.6 AOTA CEUs)
Recording available approximately 1 week after the live event for 30 days of viewing
Course Description
There are many factors that impact an individual’s ability to participate in mealtimes. Identifying key factors that influence eating and mealtime abilities and understanding how they build upon each other is the cornerstone of providing effective mealtime-based services. This course will facilitate the participant’s ability to support mealtime goals and assist in understanding where to start and how to put the pieces together to address each client’s unique needs. The FOCUS Program for Mealtime Success utilizes a whole-body systematic clinical reasoning model that addresses the sensory, motor, and psychosocial foundations essential for safe and successful mealtime participation. This program’s clinical reasoning model is unique in that it allows practitioners to use current knowledge to guide targeted and effective services as well as support practitioners in identifying future areas of development. This course will introduce targeted resources and tools to support the participant’s clinical reasoning when working with individuals with sensory motor differences, as well as psychosocial considerations. Participants will learn to identify clinical patterns as part of the evaluation process that guide effective intervention, goal setting and education of clients & team members. The phase-based FOCUS intervention model will be introduced as a resource for treatment planning. The use of videos, case studies, and ample time for questions will be used to reinforce concepts to experience shared learning.
Course C: Praxis and Executive Functioning: Connecting Motor and Cognition
Teresa May-Benson, ScD, OTR/L, FAOTA
February 23, 2023, 8:00 am – 3:30 pm CST
Cost: $215
Location: Live webinar on Zoom, login information will be emailed within one week of the event to paid participants
CEUs: 6 Contact Hours (.6 AOTA CEUs)
Recording available approximately 1 week after the live event for 30 days of viewing
Course Description
Many children today demonstrate challenges in sequencing, organization, planning and regulation. These challenges are often attributed to executive function deficits. However, in many cases, these children may have praxis difficulties which contribute to or constitute the source of these challenges. This course will examine the relationship between motor and praxis skills and executive function skills, including how these functions overlap and work together to allow us to effectively interact with our world. The role of integral concepts common to these two functions such as embodied cognition, representational thought, sequencing, and spatial-temporal adaptation will be discussed. Information on how to identify these challenges and key intervention strategies will be presented. Learning will be facilitated by lectures, case studies and participant interaction. Ample time will be provided for questions and answers.
Course D: A Developmental Approach to Understanding and Treating the Pelvic Floor in Babies and Young Children
Michelle Emanuel, OTR/L
February 24, 2023, 8:00 am – 4:00 pm CST
Cost: $230
Location: In-person learning at the Eagan Community Center, 1501 Central Pkwy, Eagan, MN 55121
CEUs: 6 Contact Hours (.6 AOTA CEUs)
Course Description
A current hot topic in therapy is pelvic floor health, and function/dysfunction, especially as it relates to women and men. This course, however, is focused on infant and young children’s pelvic floor and how to incorporate anatomical and functional principles to provide additional therapeutic support. We will cover unique aspects of the pelvis, the influence of growth, neurodevelopmental maturation, and postural changes in infancy. Participants will learn practical application to assess and treat pelvic floor dysfunction through video case studies and experiential labs.
Course E: Advanced Perspectives in Energy
Nancy Lawton-Shirley, OTR/L
February 24, 2023, 8:00 am – 4:00 pm CST
Cost: $230
Location: In-person learning at the Eagan Community Center, 1501 Central Pkwy, Eagan, MN 55121
CEUs: 6 Contact Hours
Course Description
This course will delve into a deeper level of complexity within the energy systems of the body and identify how these layers influence each other and physical function. It will provide an introduction to the ways in which emotions impact the layers of the energy system and demonstrate powerful, new techniques that increase energy flow (thus body function), facilitating therapeutic outcomes such as calm state, improved sleep, attention and self-regulation, sensory processing, and so on. We will discuss how the mind, body, spirit connection occurs during treatment sessions and the importance of these connections as critical to the therapeutic processes.
You will learn and EXPERIENCE techniques that will help you to take care of your own energy field-thus enhancing therapeutic use of self on a daily basis. Labs will include techniques for self-health, as well as techniques to support children’s energy flow within the heart system, energy flow of specific energy centers, emotional health, physical functioning, and more.
Dress comfortably. Participants must have had previous course work and experience in energy work, i.e. craniosacral therapy, myofascial release, or other energy approach.
Course F: Developmental Roots of Trauma: A Sensorimotor Embodied Approach
Sheila Frick, OTR/L and Tracy Bjorling, OTD, OTR/L
February 24 - 25, 2023, 8:00 am – 4:00 pm CST
Cost: $445
Location: In-person learning at the Eagan Community Center, 1501 Central Pkwy, Eagan, MN 55121
CEUs: 12 Contact Hours (1.2 AOTA CEUs)
*Lab Materials: Therapy Ball Trio includes, one (1) Gertie Ball, one (1) Power Up Ball and one (1) Pinky Ball - $27.00
Course Description
Pediatric therapists and other professionals who work with individuals with sensory and developmental disorders (e.g. autism spectrum, attention deficit, learning disabilities) often encounter clients with difficulties related to developmental trauma. Traumatic events may be overt, such as early loss of a primary caregiver; sexual, physical or emotional abuse; or domestic, community and school violence. Trauma may also be innocent, such as early hospitalization and necessary lifesaving medical procedures in the neonatal intensive care unit. Exposure to adverse life experiences has been shown to increase the likelihood of social emotional and developmental delays.
Individuals who experience extreme stress and trauma have been shown to demonstrate co-existing sensory processing and sensory motor difficulties. Consequently, as providers, it is important to gain an understanding and awareness of how best to support individuals who experience extreme stress or trauma to be adaptable and successful across environments. This two-day hands-on course will explore from a trauma informed perspective the connections between sensory modulation, arousal, and affect regulation difficulties. Additionally, individuals may also experience other sensory integrative issue that impact one’s ability to find a solid sense of self within the context of the home, classroom, and community.
Participants will investigate the neurobiological underpinnings of the dynamic interplay between sensory modulation, arousal, attachment, affect regulation, and play. As a part of understanding and working with trauma from a “sensory motor perspective”, we will provide a brief introduction to the tension reducing technique known as TRE®. This experiential learning opportunity will be presented as a part of gaining an understanding of how the body retains stress in core muscular/tissue tension patterns. Interactive hands-on labs, video and case presentations will bring key concepts and treatment strategies to life in this theoretically based, yet practical workshop.
Course G: Pediatric Oral Facial Taping
Michelle Emanuel, OTR/L
February 25, 2023, 8:00 am – 4:00 pm CST
Cost: $230
Location: In-person learning at the Eagan Community Center, 1501 Central Pkwy, Eagan, MN 55121
CEUs: 6 Contact Hours (.6 AOTA CEUs)
*Lab Materials: Kinesiotape - $14.00
Course Description
A commonly overlooked modality when it comes to treating infants and young children, is using kinesiotape to support orofacial function and feeding skills. This course provides information and treatment suggestions based on skin anatomy, neural organization, and sensorimotor approach to orofacial taping. We will cover safety precautions, proper handling and tape application, frequency, removal, and more. Participants will practice clinical knowledge and application in the experiential taping lab.
Course H: Movement Analysis in Sensory Intervention
Kim Barthel, BMR, OTR/L
February 25 - 26, 2023, 8:00 am – 4:00 pm CST
Cost: $445
Location: In-person learning at the Eagan Community Center, 1501 Central Pkwy, Eagan, MN 55121
CEUs: 12 Contact Hours (1.2 AOTA CEUs)
Course Description
Children with sensory processing challenges typically experience difficulties with how their bodies move. When supporting the development of motor function, movement analysis, biomechanics and kinesiology are helpful layers of understanding that enhance clinical reasoning and intervention. Observing compensatory movements and creating environments and activities to enhance motor control will be the focus of this learning experience. This two-day session will combine lecture, video demos, analysis practicums and handling labs.
Course I: Safe to Engage: Maximize Readiness for Learning with movemindfully®
Kathy Flaminio, MSW, LGSW, E-RYT 200
February 26, 2023, 8:00 am – 4:00 pm CST
Cost: $230
Location: In-person learning at the Eagan Community Center, 1501 Central Pkwy, Eagan, MN 55121
CEUs: 6 Contact Hours (.6 AOTA CEUs)
*Lab Materials: Movemindfully® Therapeutic Card Deck (35 Cards) $21 per deck
Course Description
In this workshop participants will explore and experience the how and why behind trauma-responsive mind-body practices to create a sense of safety for children, youth, and staff, maximizing their ability to heal and learn.
Bring science into practice bridging Dr. Bruce Perry's Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics and the role of the vagus nerve in counterbalancing flight, fight, freeze, as you create safe spaces with movemindfully® Breathe Move Rest strategies. Learn and experience how to address stress/distress, high energy, and big emotions in a variety of settings and situations.