movemindfully® Breaks for YOU
movemindfully® tools (including Adult Permission to Pause Posters) support staff to reset as needed with simple strategies designed to ease stress, manage energy levels, and strengthen the mind-body connection.
Feb 07, 2023, 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM
Virtual Event (Zoom)
About the Event
We know that our overall well-being is compromised when we experience stress and overwhelm throughout the day, impacting our work with children, youth, and families. move tools (including Adult Permission to Pause Posters) support staff to reset as needed with simple strategies designed to ease stress, manage energy levels, and strengthen the…
In this session, participants will experience move trauma-responsive mind-body practices to release stress, manage anxiety, and promote physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Leave this session with practices to regulate your own nervous system and share with youth to prevent burnout by integrating these stress-management and mindfulness practices into your workday.mindfullyBreathe Move Rest
Movemindfully Breaks for YOU
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