2024 Symposium

2023 Symposium

Course A: Polyvagal Theory and Sensory Processing: Bridging Theory and Practice
Kelly Beins, OTR/L
February 23, 2023, 8:00 am – 3:30 pm CST
Course B: Introduction to Clinical Reasoning for Effective Eating and Mealtime Participation Using The FOCUS Program
Lori Goodrich, OTR/L, C/NDT
February 23, 2023
Course C: Praxis and Executive Functioning: Connecting Motor and Cognition
Teresa May-Benson, ScD, OTR/L, FAOTA
February 23, 2023
Course D: A Developmental Approach to Understanding and Treating the Pelvic Floor in Babies and Young Children
Michelle Emanuel, OTR/L
February 24, 2023
Course E: Advanced Perspectives in Energy
Nancy Lawton-Shirley, OTR/L
February 24, 2023
Course F: Developmental Roots of Trauma: A Sensorimotor Embodied Approach
Sheila Frick, OTR/L and Tracy Bjorling, OTD, OTR/L
February 24 - 25, 2023
Course G: Pediatric Oral Facial Taping
Michelle Emanuel, OTR/L
February 25, 2023
Course I: Safe to Engage: Maximize Readiness for Learning with movemindfully®
Kathy Flaminio, MSW, LGSW, E-RYT 200
February 26, 2023
Course H: Movement Analysis in Sensory Intervention
Kim Barthel, BMR, OTR/L
February 25 - 26, 2023
2022 Symposium

Course A: The Complex Intersection of ADHD, Sensory Processing, and Dysgraphia: Assessment and Intervention Strategies
Maude LeRoux, OTR/L
February 25-26, 2022
Course B: Self-Regulation from the Inside Out: An Embodied Perspective on Sensory Processing and Interoceptive Awareness to Facilitate Arousal Regulation
Sheila Frick, OTR/L and Tracy Bjorling, MA, OTR/L
February 25, 2022
Course C: Effective Sensory Diets - Evidence Informed and Practically Impactful Ways of Supporting Sensory-based Regulatory Challenges
Tracy Murnan Stackhouse, MA, OTR/L
February 26th, 2022
2021 Symposium

Dr. Carol Penn and Dr. Kathy Farah
February 26-27, 2021
Kelly Mahler, OTD, OTR/L
February 26, 2021
Shelley Mannell
February 27, 2021
2020 Symposium

A. From Sensation to Function: A Sensorimotor Affective-Treatment Perspective
Sheila Frick and Tracy Bjorling (2 Day Course) - Feb 27th & Feb 28th
B. Executive Functioning: A Practical Toolkit
Maude LeRoux (1 Day Course) - Feb. 27th
C. Using Gravity to Facilitate Vestibular Activation for Sensory Motor Development
Eileen Richter (1 Day Course) - Feb. 27th
D. Supporting Children with Mental Health Needs and Developmental Trauma in School Settings
Kim Barthel (1 Day Course) - Feb. 28th
E. Looking at the Pre-Crawling Infant: Assessment, Treatment and Observation
Michelle Emanuel (2 day Course) - Feb. 28th & Feb 29th
Renee Okoye (1 Day Course) - Feb. 29th
G. Advanced Trauma Informed Practice: Clinical and Practical Solutions
Kim Barthel (1 Day Course) - Feb. 29th
2019 Symposium

Leah Kuypers (1 Day Course)
B. Infant Massage as a Therapeutic Tool
Nikki Rosen-Lieberman (1 Day Course)
C. M.O.R.E: Integrating the Mouth with Sensory and Postural Functions
Eileen Richter & Patricia Oetter (2 Day Course)
D. Meeting the Challenge of Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) with Associated Medical and Educational Diagnoses
Rhoda Erhardt (Poster Session)
E. Psycho-Sensory Processing Intervention: Informed and Integrated Mental Health Support Strategies for the Treatment of Trauma
Kim Barthel (2 Day Course)
F. Places and Spaces: Designing Therapeutic Spaces for Clinic, Home and School
Patricia Oetter (1 Day Course)
Nikki Rosen-Lieberman (1 Day Course)